Sunday, August 10, 2014

How To Make Money In Stream Energy

By Ricardo Interpermian

Stream Energy reps: Want to become a top producer? If so, keep reading.

If you seek to become a top earner, the way to do it is to implement a promotional plan that puts your message in front of thousands of people - not merely a handful of friends, family members and people you know.

You have to learn how to market- like a REAL business!

I've been groomed by 6 and 7-figure income earners who taught me the following strategies we quietly use to build large businesses:

- Concentrate On One Thing At A Time

When people start trying to market a business such as Stream Energy on the Internet, they try to master too many new things all at the same time. Instead of focusing on just a single way to pull people to their website, such as promoting on LinkedIn, they try to master these different free marketing strategies at the same time.

Rather than focus on one paid advertising strategy such as sponsored Youtube videos (Youtube PPC), or text ads, they attempt to learn how to profitably advertise in multiple formats, all at the same time. Because they've over-committed, new Stream Energy distributors often go into information overload, and complain about feeling overwhelmed.

The likelihood these people will quit Stream Energy is very high. I've seen this pattern over and over. Do you eventually want to have multiple traffic sources for your Stream Energy opportunity in place? Certainly.

But there's no reason for this diversifying when you start advertising for the first time. At first, the most important thing is that you generate results. And that's only going to happen if you concentrate your efforts on learning ONE strategy at a time.

Only attempt to learn a new advertising method after you are generating two to three dozen leads daily for your Stream Energy opportunity from a single strategy. Attempting to take on too many promotional tactics at the same time is not the best approach. By focusing on one thing at a time, your Stream Energy business results will actually grow more quickly. Your morale will be higher, and so will your energy level.

- Cultivate Your Mindset

Your habitual thoughts and beliefs will have a greater impact on your Stream Energy results than any other element. Most people bring the mindset of an employee to their business. That will not work. It's critical you cultivate a mindset of strength, fortitude and conviction in yourself.

While skills such as closing and attracting leads are important, they are often over-emphasized. Your thoughts and beliefs are more important than your skills.

The things you think about habitually are the things you attract into your life. You can always learn skills for your Stream Energy business. But unless you've cultivated a winning mindset, you will leave the business before you get the results you desire.

If you want to be successful in your Stream Energy enterprise, you've got to believe:

- No matter what happens, I will find a way to be successful

- Even when I face obstacles that would make others quit, I will endure

- I will succeed even if my sponsor no longer supports me

- My purpose for building my business is rock solid and clear

- I am focused on a goal that's quantified, attainable and bounded in time

Take steps to develop your mindset such as working with a mindset coach and attending workshops. Make mindset a priority, and your Stream Energy will benefit greatly.

- You Can't Make Excuses

A huge problem among marketers in companies like Stream Energy is making excuses. Somebody signs up. They put in a few weeks of effort. People start to get discouraged when they face challenges in their business. Rather than persist, these people are the ones who quit.

Almost every time, these people say the same things:

- I don't have time

- I can't spend more money on this

- It's too hard

These are merely excuses. As an entrepreneur, you are likely to feel like you don't have enough time to invest into your Stream Energy business. Feeling short on money or overwhelmed is also very normal for new network marketers.

Excuse-making just means the demands of your business are more than your mindset can accommodate. No one who goes on to make a lot of money ion network marketing has a lot of money, time and skills when they start.

But we top earners did not allow themselves to create excuses. A big component of becoming a top income earner is making the time, finding the money somehow, and persisting beyond all obstacles.

Being successful in Stream Energy means letting go of excuses. Making excuses is just a signal your mentality needs to shift. You need to invest massively into a mindset development program. You're going to need a mindset coach and to attend mindset development seminars. You're going to need to invest thousands of dollars into your own training and education. Buy the products, courses and system that will help you create results in your Stream Energy business.

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